i dare everyone who wants to make an enemy sprites for stern the game.
the enemy should be of any class(mage,killer,monster,whaterver)yo u like.
the frame rate should be 25FPS
550*450 resolution.
the winner(s) will receive:
a free version of swift 3D 4 with serial or flash 8 professional with serial.
if you want to participate send the sprites here
add your name and e-mail.
anyone can participate!!!
the contest will end 6/30(june)
the characters you send will have to contain these animated actions:
-being hitted
the actionscript will be done by me so just send the ani9mations,i will do the rest.
the character animations will have to be in an MC named whatever your character is:
example:if i'm doing an apple,i will put all the animations in an MC called "apple_MC".
i just added this because some ppl send the sprites whitout doing this.
well,editing just to tell every one that enters here to go pay a visit to stern beta,which i just updated.all glitches have gone,and now you will be able to discover you characters name,wooooahhhhhhh!
also a cool pic i made
remember to first comment so i know ho is participating